Compulsive Eating: Addiction

In our case, addiction involves us repeatedly eating for some form of pleasure or relief even though we understand it’s not healthy for us.






(Many more they are genuine to each individual)

We experience some kind of trigger and in return eat our problems away. The only bad part is we feel bad afterwards, its unhealthy, and our problems are still there. We have to learn to deal with our triggers in healthy ways. As I stated in my previous post, most people have addictions. It’s hard dealing with life’s obstacles and maintaining balance. Triggers cause people to overindulge or use things for relief. In fact, when most of us developed our eating addictions we were not aware. I developed mine as a child and I had no idea it would have these life long implications. I just found pleasure in flavor and relief through eating.

I can say that little by little our addictions can become less significant. They will not control us for ever and we can develop skills to avoid relapse.

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